Session 1. Topic Presentation
- The UN’s global future population projections: Methodology, key outcomes and upcoming tasks Kwang-Hee Jun (Professor, Chungnam National University/Senior Researcher, APPI) Seulki Choi (Professor, KDI School)
- Korea’s future population projections (National and regional): Methodologies and key outcomes Yeon-Ok Yun (Director, Vital Statistics Division, Statistics Korea)
Session 2. Discussion Session 1: The UN’s future population projection’s assumption set and key outcomes
- Sam-Sik Lee (Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs)
- Ji-Youn Lee (Secretary Official, Geospatial Information Service Division, Statistics Korea)
- Sun-Jae Hwang (Research Professor, Chung Ang University)
Session 3. Discussion Session 2: Korea’s national and local future projection model’s contribution possibility for global estimation methodology
- Bong Oh Kye (Professor, Kookmin University)
- Gu-Hyun Jung (Secretary Official, Welfare Statistics Division, Statistics Korea)
- Sang-Lim Lee (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs)
Session 4. Discussion Session 3: Exploration of building a cooperative system for future population projection projects between KOSTAT & UNPD
- Hyung-Seog Kim (Director, Population Census Division, Statistics Korea)
- Hye-Kyung Lee (Professor, Pai Chai University)
- Ju-Hyun Kim (Professor, Chungnam National University)
- Sinae Park (Deputy Director, Trend analysis center, Statistical Research Institute)